Russia Targets U.S. Assets for Compensation Over Seized Property

President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree authorizing the identification of U.S. assets, including securities, as potential compensation for damages from the seizure of Russian property in the U.S. Compensation decisions will be settled in court.

Reuters | Moscow | Updated: 23-05-2024 17:37 IST | Created: 23-05-2024 17:37 IST
Russia Targets U.S. Assets for Compensation Over Seized Property
  • Country:
  • Russia

Russia will identify U.S. property, including securities, that could be used as compensation for any damages sustained by the seizure of Russian property in the United States, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin on Thursday.

The decree authorises Russia's government commission on foreign asset sales to identify the relevant property and states that decisions on compensation would be made in court.

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