Temple Priest Caught Installing Camera in Women's Bathroom in Ghaziabad

In Ghaziabad, a temple priest was booked for allegedly installing a camera in a roofless women's bathroom. A woman noticed the camera pointed at the bathroom and linked to the priest's mobile. The priest got angry when confronted, leading to a complaint and FIR under several IPC sections.

PTI | Ghaziabad | Updated: 25-05-2024 14:59 IST | Created: 25-05-2024 14:59 IST
Temple Priest Caught Installing Camera in Women's Bathroom in Ghaziabad
  • Country:
  • India

Police have booked a priest of a temple for allegedly putting up a camera over a roofless women's bathroom here, police said on Saturday. According to police, the said temple is located adjacent to the Muradnagar Ganga canal. People usually offer prayers after taking a dip in the canal.

The matter came to light when a woman who went to the temple with her daughter on May 21 noticed a CCTV camera pointed at the roofless bathroom, police said. ''The woman noticed that the CCTV camera installed on the top was focused on the room where women change their clothes,'' said Deputy Commissioner of Police (Rural) Vivek Chandra Yadav.

The display of the CCTV was linked with the mobile phone of the Mahant on which he would watch the ladies, DCP said. The woman immediately contacted Mahant Goswami and asked about the CCTV camera on which he got angry and hurled abuses. He threatened her to face the dire consequences if she told anyone about the camera, the DCP said.

''After getting a complaint, the Muradnagar police lodged an FIR on Friday. When the police team reached the temple to arrest him, he was not there,'' said the DCP. Police have registered a case against the Mahant under sections 354 (criminal assault on woman), 354 C (watching or capturing image of women engaged in a private act), 504(intentional insult) and 506 (Criminal intimidation) of the Indian Penal Code. Further investigation is underway.

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