Clashes Reported at Russian Border Posts
Russian Telegram channels linked to security services reported that Ukrainian forces attacked border posts in Russia's Belgorod region. Although unconfirmed officially, reports suggest 500 Ukrainian troops targeted checkpoints at Nekhoteyevka and Shebekino. Belgorod's governor described the situation as 'difficult.'
MOSCOW, Aug 27 (Reuters) - Russian Telegram channels with ties to security services claimed Tuesday that Ukrainian forces had attacked a border post in Russia's southern Belgorod region. Official confirmation of fighting in the area has not yet been released.
The Mash Telegram channel reported that approximately 500 Ukrainian troops targeted two Russian checkpoints at Nekhoteyevka and Shebekino. According to Mash, around 200 Ukrainian soldiers with infantry fighting vehicles attempted to cross the border at Nekhoteyevka but were repelled by Russian artillery. It said that about 300 Ukrainians attacked the checkpoint at Shebekino.
There has been no official confirmation of these reports, and another Telegram news channel, SHOT, noted that Ukrainian forces were pushed back from Nekhoteyevka after suffering losses. SHOT further mentioned that there were no clashes at Shebekino. In a Telegram message, Belgorod regional governor Vyacheslav Gladkov did not confirm the reported border fighting but stated that the situation remains 'difficult.'
(With inputs from agencies.)