Mystery Fumes Cause Concern Near JSW Energy Plant
Over 30 students in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, experienced eye irritation due to fumes from a nearby storage tank. JSW Energy's plant, located close to Jaigad Vidya Mandir school, denied involvement, emphasizing their safety protocols. The fumes were identified as Ethyl mercaptan, known for its strong odor and use in various industries.
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- India
More than 30 students from Jaigad Vidya Mandir school in Maharashtra's Ratnagiri district reported eye irritation after exposure to fumes on Thursday. The incident occurred near the JSW Energy thermal power plant, although the company denied any connection, stating it has no gas storage facilities.
According to police, the students were affected by Ethyl mercaptan fumes, a colorless and odorous liquid used in the manufacture of natural gas odorants, plastics, and insecticides. The fumes were released during a tank cleaning process, officials said.
JSW Energy emphasized their commitment to safety and proactive measures in maintaining high operational standards to safeguard employees and the community from health risks. The company assured they adhere strictly to safety protocols and continuously monitor their operations.
(With inputs from agencies.)