FEMEN Activists Protest at UN Monument Over Ukraine Conflict

Three feminist activists from the group FEMEN were detained in Geneva after vandalizing a monument outside the UN to protest Russia's war in Ukraine. The demonstration highlighted the UN's perceived inaction. Activists attacked the 'Broken Chair' sculpture symbolizing landmine damage, demanding Russia's expulsion from the UN.

Devdiscourse News Desk | Geneva | Updated: 13-12-2024 19:33 IST | Created: 13-12-2024 19:33 IST
FEMEN Activists Protest at UN Monument Over Ukraine Conflict
  • Country:
  • Switzerland

At least three feminist activists were apprehended on Friday following their defacement of a monument outside the United Nations headquarters in Geneva. The demonstration was staged against Russia's ongoing war with Ukraine and criticized the UN's perceived inability to halt the conflict's escalation.

The activists, associated with FEMEN and recognized for their bold protests, included two topless women who employed a chainsaw to vandalize the 'Broken Chair', a wooden sculpture near the UN complex. The sculpture is known to symbolize the impact of landmines, which have also wrought devastation in Ukraine's current conflict.

The women, adorned in the colors of the Ukrainian flag and inscribed with messages like "stop mines", emphasized their protest by shouting obscenities aimed at the UN and Russia amidst plunging temperatures. The protest concluded with the detention of three activists, prompting FEMEN to call for Russia's expulsion from the UN, underscoring Ukraine's struggles against what they described as betrayal and military aggression.

(With inputs from agencies.)

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